Planned release: 4 April 2024

We are preparing for the upcoming release for web-based audits. It will let you carry out audits on the website and add the option to invite external users to carry out audits/assessments, we are updating the login screen on the mobile app and the audit creation and assignment page.

If you are interested in learning more about this feature, we recommend browsing through a webinar recording showing how this new feature works.

Mobile app login screen

The new login screen will look like this:

A few notes on the changes:

  1. The login has one more step, with the password showing in step 2.

  2. There is an option to scan an audit QR code at the bottom which is part of the new web-based audit feature.

Everything else is the same as before

User experience improvements of audit assignment page

The new audit assignment page will look like this

Functionality-wise, nothing has changed, but the design has been updated to make the page easier to navigate visually more appealing.