Released Jan 9, 2024.


  • Multiple choice editing on production unit and supplier pages use drop-downs if there are more than 8 choices to select from. For example country selectors like below example. This will also be changed in the next version of the mobile app.

  • New permission for deleting audit reports. Previously, it was possible to delete audits by having Edit permission, but several customers pointed out that deleting a finished report has much bigger impact than editing an audit that has not been started yet. So there is a new permission that controls whether a user role has access to deleting audits reports.
    At the starting point, this is turned off for all users. Go to the roles page to set it up.

  • The Supplier details page has got a < Back button to to back to the supplier list.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: For re-inspections taking place on the same day, the order would some times be reversed.

  • Fixed: When creating Corrective Actions from checkpoints in an audit report, the checkpoints would not show in their local language.