Release: 4 April 2024

Summary: Web-based audits is now available as an opt-in and will be rolled out to all customers by June 5th, 2024. Improved layout of the audit edit page and changes to the mobile app login screen are released today.

Find more detailed information below

Want to know more? Watch the recording of our webinar on this exact feature.

Target users


Improved audit edit page


4 April 2024

New app login screen


4 April 2024

Web-based audits


5 June 2024*

One-click link to audits/assessments

Role permissions need to be enabled to send audit link to external users

5 June 2024*

* Opt-in from April 4th 2024 by contacting [email protected].

Web-based audits

This feature is being rolled out to all customers by June 5th 2024. You can already now opt in and get access by contacting [email protected].

If you go to audits assigned to you in the audit list, you will now see a brand-new option when clicking the audit:

Clicking Start audit will enable you to carry out the audit on the website. For checkpoints with mandatory image or video there will be a QR code which can be scanned using the Qarma mobile app to capture images and videos. This is also they way GPS coordinates for the audit are captured.

It is possible to carry out the entire audit in the mobile app as well, and it is possible to switch between the website and the mobile app. While using the mobile app, edits on the website are not possible. This ensures data integrity as the mobile app is able to run offline and needs to have full control of the audit data in this case.

To release control from the mobile app and continue on the website, click the Continue in browser button.

In case checkpoints are not defined with mandatory image, you can still open the mobile app and take pictures or videos through the Add media button:

This will allow scanning of a QR code using the mobile app in the same way as shown above.

One-click link to supplier assessments

This feature is being rolled out to all customers by 5 June 2024. You can already now opt in and get access by contacting [email protected].

In cases where you need an audit or assessment carried out by someone who does not have a user account in Qarma, it is possible to send a link to an email using the External user option on the audit edit page:

Once you have entered an email and sent it, the recipient will receive the email with a link to filling in this audit. This person will have access to nothing else in Qarma except the specific audit. It can be opened on the website and in the app.

In order to get access to the External user option, the user who sets it up need to have the Assign audit to external user permission enabled:

Mobile app login screen

The new login screen will look like this:

A few notes on the changes:

  • The login has one more step, with the password showing in step 2.

  • There is an option to scan an audit QR code at the bottom which is part of the new web-based audit feature (see above).

Aside from that, everything is the same as before

User experience improvements of audit assignment page

The new audit assignment page will look like this

Functionality-wise, nothing has changed, but the design has been updated to make the page easier to navigate and visually more appealing. Users will see a notice the first time they open the page which explains the changes made.