Released: 28 February 2024

Checkpoint creation

We have adjusted the creation of corrective actions from audits on the website to match the way it is done in the mobile app. Up until now, the user interface has been using the name of the checklist in the Finding column, except if there is a note from the auditor (like in the second example below).

This will be changed so that the Finding will always be the checkpoint text, and any comment from the auditor will be placed in the Description instead. It is of course still possible to adjust both before creating the corrective action plan.

Additional updates

It is now possible to specify a sequence of appearance when setting production unit status. Previously, this was always sorted alphabetically.

In some case, audits in progress state did not have a start time recorded. This was the case if only checkpoints of type Production unit data or Supplier data had been updated. This has been fixed so that updates to these checkpoints will also mark audit start time.