Released: 7 March 2024

See checkpoint instruction text and attachments

For any checkpoint, it is possible to add an instruction text and a list of files. The intention is to give extra background to the user on what to check for. For inspections this can be instructions on labeling, protocols for testing, etc, and for audits it could be instructions on certain processes, background information on acceptable conditions etc.

Up until now, this was only possible to see in the mobile app, as it is mainly intended for the inspector or auditor. With this release, it is also possible to see the instruction text and attachments in the online report. In this way, it can also be helpful for the reader of the report to see the same background information.

If there is an instruction text or attachment, it will show with a blue ℹ️ next to the checkpoint:

Clicking or putting the mouse cursor on the icon will reveal the text and/or attachments.